Saturday, December 10, 2005

I'm willing to bet that nobody reads this post

Joining with the eleventy billion people out there who post to one of these Blogs, I am a late arrival to this world, and most likely there are enough out there to read that this venture will merely be a creative outlet for my twisted thoughts.
I don't have an agenda, I don't have an axe to grind, I don't have the answer to turn the aging process around and I probably don't have anything of real value to offer the masses. That being said, I occasionally get fired up enough to go off on a random tangent that might make for an interesting read. I am generally amused looking back at some of the words that have spewed from my pen in the past and hopefully once in a great while, something on this site will be worth reading or rereading. I am a bit hesitant to detail what might transpire in future editions of my postings, as it will truly depend upon the events of the day.
I can tell you a few things that will most likely be mentioned in the coming days, weeks or months. I live what would be considered an idyllic life--the atomic family in the suburbs. An amazing wife, two beautiful children (a boy and a girl of course), and a four year old Yellow Lab. Without question, all of these characters will play a role in what I write here. I don't know how detailed I might describe the daily events, but surely the daily amusement that I experience being around each of them will find its way to this page.
I work at a country club in Arizona and inherent to that job is a mix of confused, wealthy older people who have their own way of making me laugh with their daily challenges. Occasionally I expect for their convoluted experiences to crop up and invade this site as well.
My family is crazy, as all families are. My father has recently retired and is well on his way to driving my mom to drink (heavily). He fills his day with naps and playing Bridge (a card game that nobody I know plays, but fills the rooms of my country club daily and fills the idle hours of my father's life). My mother still works as a librarian and she spends her hours trying to avoid the daily confrontations with Dad about the critical things in their lives like whether or not to throw away the last few broken Doritos that he was saving for a special occasion.
I also have a brother and a sister who are both married and one sister who lives out here in Arizona who is not married. We are spread out around the country, but generally there is a good amount of bizarre interaction between all of us. I find it all amusing and it makes Kim, my wife, absolutely crazy. I hope that those of you who read this will find the amusement in it as well.
Either way, my random thoughts will fill this site and hopefully there will be things that are worthwhile to read. I am guessing that most of the people who find this site will be the ones who are mentioned in the site, so I hope not to offend anybody, but I am certain that in that endeavor I will fail horribly. Not only do the characters who infiltrate my life offend easily, but I also have a talent for speaking my mind in a somewhat sarcastic biting tone that doesn't necessarily bode well for those with thin skins.
Some days, I will just post about sports that appeal to me--I am a fan of Tampa Bay Bucs football, Florida State Football, Georgia Tech Basketball, Cincinnati Reds Baseball (with a soft spot for the Red Sox, the Diamondbacks and the Devil Rays), Tampa Bay Lightning hockey and all things golf. There may be an occasional mention of Luge or Ladies Curling, but for the most part the teams mentioned above will be the ones that will be written about on a regular basis.
I realize that I have rambled on, and have offered nothing of value--I think that is a trend that you can count on in the future. Anyway, we'll see how this thing works and I look forward to any and all feedback--I will probably blow it off, but it will be exciting to think that somebody out there actually reads my drivel.
Josh G


At 11:06 AM, Blogger Beanie said...

Yay - welcome to the blog world Josh! You will have at least one faithful reader I promise. And no, you don't have to read my running blog in reciprocation. Looking forward to reading more about your family. More picutres please :o)

At 11:13 AM, Blogger aaron said...

You're so quiet at family events (beyond the one-liners) -- I look forward to reading about some of what's churning in your head. Welcome to blogging, hope you'll post at least semi-regularly.

At 7:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never 'blogged'. In point of fact, I have no idea what this is all about. But, count me as one of at least three readers. Fair warning to all who may be uninitiated to the family of Josh: these are dangerous waters on which ye' drift. Many of the people about whom you will read are maddenigly insane. Oh, nothing of the silent stalker sort. More of the Martini from Cuckoo's nest types. Sweet and cute but will engage in interminable arguments about whether two halves of an apple equal a grape. So best wishes on your adventures in blogging and hope to hear from you soon.
ps- If this is some modality to get me to join a 'waiting for the aliens cult' in the Arizona desert, I'm cancelling my subscrption. MAM

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled that you're blogging! Your sense of humor is wonderful (which I knew) and your writing is terrific (which I didn't). I'm looking forward to reading more!

At 7:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will most definitely keep an eye out for updates to yoshes blog. Nice work Yosh. I no longer have to search the 75 cable channels for Seinfeld re-runs or the occassional Teen Wolf showing to get my daily fill of humor. Just keep posting. I can't wait. Simply put, this is Amazing.


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